



1. 牌照申请与维护:

- 负责公司在全球范围内所需的各类牌照的申请、续期及维护工作。

- 跟踪并了解各国监管环境的变化,及时调整公司合规策略。

2. 合规计划制定:

- 根据行业法规和公司业务需求,制定并实施合规计划和策略。

- 定期评估合规计划的有效性,并进行必要的调整。

3. 监管机构沟通:

- 作为公司与各国监管机构的主要联络人,负责日常沟通和信息披露。

- 应对监管机构的检查和审计,提供所需资料和解释。

4. 风险管理:

- 识别、评估和管理公司在运营过程中可能面临的合规风险。

- 制定和实施风险控制措施,降低合规风险。

1. License Application and Maintenance:

- Responsible for the application, renewal, and maintenance of various licenses required by the company worldwide.

- Monitor and understand regulatory changes in different countries, and adjust the company's compliance strategy accordingly.

2. Compliance Program Development:

- Develop and implement compliance programs and strategies based on industry regulations and the company's business needs.

- Regularly assess the effectiveness of compliance programs and make necessary adjustments.

3. Regulatory Communication:

- Serve as the primary liaison between the company and regulatory bodies in various countries, handling day-to-day communication and information disclosure.

- Respond to regulatory inspections and audits, providing the necessary documentation and explanations.

4. Risk Management:

- Identify, assess, and manage compliance risks that the company may encounter during its operations.

- Develop and implement risk control measures to mitigate compliance risks.


1. 法律、金融、商业管理等相关专业本科及以上学历。

2. 至少2年的区块链行业的合规工作经验。

3. 熟悉区块链行业的相关法律法规及监管要求。

4. 具备申请并维护相关牌照的经验和能力;能够制定和实施有效的合规管理计划和流程。

5. 优秀的沟通和协调能力,能够与各部门及监管机构有效沟通。

6. 良好的分析和解决问题的能力,能够识别和管理合规风险。

7. 细致、严谨的工作态度,具备较强的责任心和职业操守。

8. 良好的中英文书面和口头表达能力,能够编写合规报告和政策文件。

加分项(Preferred Qualifications)

- 具有国际牌照申请和维护经验。

- 熟悉反洗钱(AML)、了解客户(KYC)等相关法规和流程。

- 拥有CAMS(Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist)或类似认证。

1. Educational Background:

- Bachelor's degree or higher in Law, Finance, Business Administration, or related fields.

2. Work Experience:

- At least 2 years of compliance experience in the blockchain or cryptocurrency industry.

- Experience working in a cryptocurrency exchange is preferred.

3. Professional Skills:

- Familiarity with laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

- Experience in applying for and maintaining relevant licenses.

- Ability to develop and implement effective compliance management programs and processes.

4. Personal Qualities:

- Excellent communication and coordination skills, capable of effectively interacting with various departments and regulatory bodies.

- Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, with the capacity to identify and manage compliance risks.

- Detail-oriented and meticulous work ethic, with strong sense of responsibility and professional integrity.

5. Language Skills:

- Proficient in written and spoken English and Chinese, with the ability to draft compliance reports and policy documents.

Preferred Qualifications

- Experience in applying for and maintaining international licenses.

- Familiarity with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC)








远程  全职


每月 $3000 - $5000







Web3.x - AI empowered crypto trading firms and platforms. Web3.x持有欧盟(立陶宛)VASP、美国MSB、开曼共同基金牌照。我们聚焦全球市场(无中国业务),公司核心业务高速成长,机会巨大。 Web3.x核心团队来自顶级交易公司(Citadel、TwoSigma)、互联网公司(Google Deepmind、Tiktok、Tencent),同时有丰富、成功的创业经历。 核心团队多人拥有斯坦福、普林斯顿、清华博士学位,团队成员50%拥有硕士及以上学历,非中国大陆员工超25%且持续增长。 Web3.x的Angel、A、A1、B轮领投机构分别为SIG(字节跳动最大机构投资人、美国最大交易公司之一)、经纬中国、SIG、KuCoin及SIG,共募集超7000万美元。当前公司已经实现盈利并进入高速增长期。 我们坚信巨大的行业机遇 、顶尖的人才与团队、优秀的文化、充裕的资金、努力工作、运气的结合,让我们团队的每个同事有机会实现伟大的成就、获得巨大的经济回报。我们深知优秀的人才是成功的关键,优秀也与年龄无关。我们既需要经验丰富、在顶尖公司证明过自己的优秀老兵,也需要聪明、负责、谦虚的有为新人。